State Route (SR) 162/Salem Road Widening


GDOT Project #: 231210 & 0013628
Type: Road Widening and Construction
Project Length: 1.9 miles
Affected Counties: Newton, Rockdale
Condemning Authority: GDOT
Estimated Affected Parcels: 120
Estimated Cost: $50,996,661
Right-of-Way Funds: $1,920,000


The Salem Road Widening Project aims to relieve congestion and address safety concerns of the current roadway. Crash and injury rates on the Salem Road Corridor over recent years have been higher than the statewide average. While improvements need to be made, these improvements may greatly impact you as a business or homeowner.

Under this GDOT project, the two-lane SR 162/Salem Road corridor will be widened from two lanes to four lanes, with two lanes in each direction. This widening will happen from south of Brown Bridge Road in Newton County to Rockdale County’s Flat Shoals Road. The portion of the roadway from Flat Shoals to I-20, which is already four lanes, will be widened to six lanes. Throughout the project corridor, a 16 foot shoulder is proposed for the east side and a 20 foot shoulder for the west side.

Business and Homeowner Concerns

Many properties will be affected by the construction in both large and small ways. In addition to widening of the roadways, the entire length of the project will see the addition of four-foot bike lanes in each direction and a raised median that could significantly alter traffic flow. Some sidewalks or driveways could be closed during construction. Old Concord Drive will no longer have direct access to Salem Road. Culverts will need to be replaced or extended as needed, and new traffic signals will need to be installed. This is a significant project, with significant projected impacts.

What to Do if Your Property Is Affected

While the government can take your land, you still have rights. GDOT has set aside more than 1.9 million dollars for right-of-way acquisition for this project. Every property is unique and you are entitled to just compensation. We urge you to consult with an eminent domain attorney before accepting any GDOT offer.

We can help you fight for maximum compensation. Call 1-888-391-1339 or contact us as soon as possible for a complimentary case evaluation.

Since we’ve been in business, we’ve tripled our clients’ initial offers on average.1

Project Maps

Salem Road Map

Estimated Project Schedule

Right of Way Acquisition – FY 2022

Construction Start – 2025

Current Completion Date – 7/31/2028

Affected Parcels

An estimated 120 parcels of property will be affected by the widening project. Those property owners may lose a portion of their properties, or a significant amount of their value. For homeowners and commercial property owners in the path of the project, it is critical to understand that the government’s initial offer is just that – initial. We do not recommend you accept the initial offer.

Get a free case
evaluation today.

There are only a handful of attorneys in GA who practice eminent domain exclusively. And even fewer with DOT experience. That’s why it’s always worth it to get a free case evaluation.

Here’s how it works:

1) Tell us about your situation.

2) We research your property as needed, using DOT maps, our own technology, and experience to see the exact effects.

3) We let you know what we think a fair offer would be. This evaluation is free, and there’s no
pressure or obligation to hire us after.

But please don’t wait to act. Waiting can hurt your case, and the cost is the same: free.

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