We Operate on a Contingency Fee Basis


Can You Afford an Eminent Domain Attorney?

Absolutely! Are you still doubtful? Probably.

We know that many people are afraid that the cost of hiring an attorney may outweigh the value that attorney provides. We get it. So, we structured our fee arrangement to overcome that fear. At the Georgia Eminent Domain Law Firm, we operate on a contingency fee basis, and you don’t pay any eminent domain attorney’s fees unless we get you a better offer for your property beyond what the government initially offered.2

Let us break it down for you.

We only get paid if we get you more than the government’s initial offer

That’s right. When the government takes your property, it is required by law to offer you fair market value for that property. We won’t touch the amount they initially offer you. Ever. You only pay us if we can obtain a higher offer for your property.

And then, our fee is a percentage of the amount above and beyond the original offer.

Here’s an example of how we structure our eminent domain contingency fees.

Can we help you? Call the Georgia Eminent Domain Law firm today at 1-888-391-1339 for a free case evaluation.

Georgia eminent domain contingency fee example.

Why do we structure our payment this way?

In our experience, GDOT appraisers often underestimate the fair market value and underlying value of properties, and we are confident that we have the resources and knowledge on our team to obtain a better offer.1 

Government appraisers are supposed to consider your property’s highest and best use as well as any damages you may experience to the remaining property when determining their offer. Our eminent domain attorneys have more than 90 years of combined experience fighting to try to maximize the value of their clients’ properties. Since we’ve been in business, we’ve tripled our clients’ initial offers on average.1 

We dig deep and investigate other possible types of compensation to include in the valuation such as: 

  • Damages to your remaining property caused by the taking
  • Fixtures and improvements to the property
  • Relocation expenses

We fight hard to try to improve our clients’ offers. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.


We front all costs and guarantee that you pay nothing if we don’t get you a better offer

There are many ways we help our clients fight for just compensation. For example, if we think the GDOT’s initial offer is low, we will work with other professionals such as surveyors, environmentalists, engineers, appraisers, realtors, and land planners to get an unbiased view of the impact that the proposed taking may have. 

Sound expensive? Don’t worry. We front the cost of these expenses in order to obtain a fair and objective valuation of your property, and we absorb these costs if we don’t get you a better offer. And we guarantee it.


We front all costs & guarantee you'll pay nothing if we don't get you more than the government's offer.

We will tell you up front if we think the government’s offer is fair

When the government gives you an initial offer, we will review the offer at no cost to you. If we think it is fair, we will tell you that, and you will owe us nothing. Even if we have represented you for months, you will not owe us anything. Remember our guarantee: if we can’t improve the initial offer, you won’t owe us anything.  

Try us out – for free! If we think we might be able to help you increase your offer after evaluating your case, we will:

  • Analyze your property and the government’s plans for it.
  • Explain the legal aspects of the eminent domain process.
  • Evaluate the government’s offer, if you’ve received one.

And we will do all of this for no cost, with no obligation to hire us afterward. We want to help Georgia property owners better understand all of their options. If you have any questions, or would like to start your free case evaluation, contact us or call us at 1-888-391-1339.

So, the real question is: Can you afford not to work with one of our eminent domain attorneys? 

Get a free case
evaluation today.

There are only a handful of attorneys in GA who practice eminent domain exclusively. And even fewer with DOT experience. That’s why it’s always worth it to get a free case evaluation.

Here’s how it works:

1) Tell us about your situation.

2) We research your property as needed, using DOT maps, our own technology, and experience to see the exact effects.

3) We let you know what we think a fair offer would be. This evaluation is free, and there’s no
pressure or obligation to hire us after.

But please don’t wait to act. Waiting can hurt your case, and the cost is the same: free.

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