SR 10 Loop at Atlanta Highway


GDOT Project #: 122890-
Type: Road Widening
Project Length: .82 miles
Affected Counties: Clarke
Condemning Authority: GDOT
Estimated Affected Parcels: 45
Estimated Cost (excluding ROW): $65,910,472.20
Right-of-Way Funds (in PI #621340): $13,064,224


If you have property along the SR 10 Loop/Atlanta Highway (SR 10/US 78) in Clarke County, you need to know that the government may take some of it for GDOT Project #122890- through its power of eminent domain. The project consists of improvements to the SR 10 Loop/Atlanta Highway interchange as well as the widening of Atlanta Highway.

The interchange provides access to the SR 10 loop from Atlanta Highway, thus allowing entry to the only major shopping complex for the region outside metro Atlanta. The complex provides a wide variety of shopping, eating, and employment opportunities in the vicinity.


However, accident data indicates a significant problem of collisions and impeded traffic on Atlanta Highway. The problem is likely to worsen as continuous commercial development along the Atlanta Highway corridor continues to increase traffic volume significantly. This project will address these concerns by widening lanes along the route and removing many conflicting turning movements, thereby increasing the amount of traffic that can safely pass through the area.

Business and Homeowner Concerns

If you have property near the SR 10 Loop/Atlanta Highway interchange, it’s important to be prepared if GDOT gives you an offer for it. You’re entitled to fair compensation for the value of your property, but it’s likely that the initial offer won’t consider its full value. You’re not required to accept the initial offer.

GDOT wishes to acquire property for the least amount of money possible and it may not account for compensation that may be owed for items such as relocation expenses and lost business income. We can determine whether GDOT’s initial offer is too low and help you try to maximize your compensation.

What to Do if Your Property Is Affected

GDOT has set aside more than $13 million for right-of-way acquisition for this project. Call 1-888-376-2108 or contact us for a free case evaluation prior to accepting any GDOT offer. We can help you fight for more.

You keep the government’s initial offer no matter what. We only collect a fee if we can increase the amount of your offer. Meanwhile, we advance all the costs of fighting your case.

We set up the payment structure this way because we are confident in our eminent domain team. Since we began fighting for property owners, we’ve tripled our clients’ initial offers on average.1

News and Publications

“Traffic shift scheduled for New Jennings Mill Road at Atlanta Highway in Athens” –

Project Maps

State Road 10 Map

Estimated Project Schedule

Right of Way Acquisition – 2023

Utilities – 2023

Construction – 2023

Construction Completion – 4/30/2027

Affected Parcels

An estimated 45 parcels of property will be impacted by this project. For homeowners and business owners in the path of construction, keep in mind that the government’s initial offer is only the beginning of negotiations. We recommend that you contact an experienced attorney before considering any offers from the government for your land.


Get a free case
evaluation today.

There are only a handful of attorneys in GA who practice eminent domain exclusively. And even fewer with DOT experience. That’s why it’s always worth it to get a free case evaluation.

Here’s how it works:

1) Tell us about your situation.

2) We research your property as needed, using DOT maps, our own technology, and experience to see the exact effects.

3) We let you know what we think a fair offer would be. This evaluation is free, and there’s no
pressure or obligation to hire us after.

But please don’t wait to act. Waiting can hurt your case, and the cost is the same: free.

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